Saturday, August 10, 2013

Time is Now

Look at a clock but live in the moment.  Do not waste time.  Pursue happiness.  Be well. Get enough rest, nutritious food, keep clean, contemplate or consult if needed, and make something.  Get going.

Okay write, draw or read something.

Salt water

I'd head east from the Piedmont to the Atlantic, although some prefer Ashville.  Now I have a place to go, so in three and a half hours I can stay as long as I have time.  That's the problem.  Working provides income but take up all of my time.  Thinking about having 20 or 30 years of my time will take some consideration.  Maybe a person can do nothing.

There is a good senior center near by.  How will I adjust to making friends apart from work and my tribe at Andersen?  Beach seniors might be like me, independent. I will find a way to contribute.
Moving out of Brighton Square will be a long process so I am already thinking about it.

Moving in entails a lot of downsizing. Start planning.