Saturday, May 14, 2016

28 Years of Service

The times they are a changing.   With what I know I feel secure at my desk but wonder if a younger person could do a better job.   The older I get the less stress I seem to be able to handle.   Like an old rusty wheel, I get cranky.   Kernice Swepson is retired now as of yesterday.   She was too cranky at work and with her management challenge it is not surprising.   We will see how business down at Anprolene does without her.

Friday, March 18, 2016

A two year absence finds me own self of the same mind: I would like more time.  And now that I have my own second home there is only a year to leave Carrboro.  No easy task.  My job will be hard to leave too, and I hope I don't find myself in exile at the beach.  There is another side of this life, I believe.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Consequences of working are financial, income, investments and bills for services and purchases.  Also emotional wear and tear along with time.  Druthers would be ease and rest, read, music, bicycle, housekeep, garden, food, maybe write.  Learn.  Pursue interests.  Help somehow the world I live in.  Be comfortable.  Heaven.

Never having become a mother is to miss certain joy, but also constitutes a trade off for equal shares of pain.  Life is not easy.  Having the freedom that is unparalleled in human history for the relative peace I've enjoyed at the expense of my parents participation in WWII is to be in an enviable position.  I have enough.  Not too much, but I hope to be independent for the rest of my life, and live it modestly.

Sunday morning is so heavenly.  No pressure.  Seek what is good.  Still there are things to be done, in spite of dreaded Monday looming in the near future.  Once I get there it's not so bad, but still more time would be real nice.
Alice and Skippy 1963

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Birthday Bash.  Fabulous party last night for my boss's one and only son, a very successful doctor and handsome 50 year old whose lovely wife arranged this surprise for a pretty large crowd, all friends of the honoree.  My 67th year started today with only Pete sending an email, but some Facebook friends acknowledged my anniversary.  The price I pay for total independence is loneliness, admittedly it would be nice to have a friend, a hard act to follow, considering the last 24 years.   There has been no phone call.  Nice witches say please and thank you. Bad witches die alone of poison soup.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Time is Now

Look at a clock but live in the moment.  Do not waste time.  Pursue happiness.  Be well. Get enough rest, nutritious food, keep clean, contemplate or consult if needed, and make something.  Get going.

Okay write, draw or read something.

Salt water

I'd head east from the Piedmont to the Atlantic, although some prefer Ashville.  Now I have a place to go, so in three and a half hours I can stay as long as I have time.  That's the problem.  Working provides income but take up all of my time.  Thinking about having 20 or 30 years of my time will take some consideration.  Maybe a person can do nothing.

There is a good senior center near by.  How will I adjust to making friends apart from work and my tribe at Andersen?  Beach seniors might be like me, independent. I will find a way to contribute.
Moving out of Brighton Square will be a long process so I am already thinking about it.

Moving in entails a lot of downsizing. Start planning.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Present and Future

Knowing the right decision is a matter of passion. Plans are layed for being closer to salt water, and though I've grown to love living in the Piedmond, travel to the coast is a constant. I wonder what it will be like when I have time and a room of my own. Much to do before that time comes.