Sunday, February 5, 2012


I work with some of the nicest people on earth. Their questions, comments and orders have helped Andersen make a better product over the years. My customers are in the business of health, wellness and healing for both humans and animals that love them. When we can assist it is very satisfying. Some of our customers have been with us longer than I have been with the Andersen family of companies. In 1980 I began working for Andersen Products in the factory. Over the years in an office position at the switchboard I learned about the products and in sales I have covered all five regional sales territories. It is a real pleasure to hear from customers I knew from earlier years. One instructor of veterinary technicians at Purdue taught me that life can't be "hurried up" while discussing how a biological culture is incubated and read. Once a biological indicator is started it takes 24 hours and another check 24 hours later to confirm a negative culture. It's this knowledge we gain in bits and pieces that I am grateful for.