Consequences of working are financial, income, investments and bills for services and purchases. Also emotional wear and tear along with time. Druthers would be ease and rest, read, music, bicycle, housekeep, garden, food, maybe write. Learn. Pursue interests. Help somehow the world I live in. Be comfortable. Heaven.
Never having become a mother is to miss certain joy, but also constitutes a trade off for equal shares of pain. Life is not easy. Having the freedom that is unparalleled in human history for the relative peace I've enjoyed at the expense of my parents participation in WWII is to be in an enviable position. I have enough. Not too much, but I hope to be independent for the rest of my life, and live it modestly.
Sunday morning is so heavenly. No pressure. Seek what is good. Still there are things to be done, in spite of dreaded Monday looming in the near future. Once I get there it's not so bad, but still more time would be real nice.
Alice and Skippy 1963 |